Brand New Craft Idea! Quilling with Felt.
Under my table is a special basket, it's where all the unhappy felt scraps live wanting to become something special. They stare at me everyday, being patient, waiting for something to come up, and it never had.
One day, when all hope was lost something amazing happened... My Felt Lady started to cut.... and this is what it became.
Quelting, Quilling with Wool Felt. Quilling it is a stunning craft project used by cutting or purchasing pre-cut narrow strips of paper and rolling it into beautiful spirals creating the most charming pieces. Using Wool Felt instead of paper you can now create the same thing giving it a beautiful textured look and feel. Here's another I created yesterday, it's getting cold so it was only fitting.
How to Quill with Felt Strips
Since many online pages offer free or paid Quilling patterns I wont have the versions I made for legal reasons. But to get you started below is a quick tutorial to show you how to roll and shape your fine felt strips.
What you'll need
- Handful of long wool felt off cuts in any colour to suit your project
- Cutting Board
- Rotar Blade
- Helmar Fabric Glue - This is the best one I find to use with felt as it dries quickly and doesn't seep through the felt.
- Clover Clips - Brilliant use for everything!
- Long Quilting Pins - Great to hold felt spirals together
- Mini Applique Iron
- Small Heat Proof Ironing Mat
For those who are not familiar with quilling shapes, here is a quick guide.
Courtesy of thepaperycraftery.com
Start your Quelting - Quilling with Felt
- Cut your felt into 12" x 1/2" strips and lay them aside.
- Tight Round Coils
- Take a felt strip and tightly roll them in between your fingers to create a tight spiral.
- Once you get your desired size trim off any excess and glue into place, pin and set aside

- Teardrop
- Take a felt strip and start off by tightly rolling it a few turns then loosely roll the remainder of the strip to the desired size.
- To make the point carefully place on the heat proof ironing mat and iron the point into a teardrop tip.

- Marquise
- Using the same method as a teardrop, but this time the main coil is in the centre and you iron both sides of the coil creating a point on each side.

Once you have created all the desired shapes, it's time to assemble.
Using small amounts of glue, place your shapes together either on their own like the snowflake, or glue to the printed card stock like the tree of life.
I have found many beautiful designs online to try out, many free and some paid. Quilling is a beautiful way to make something quick and small.
Use them on headbands, bracelets or even rings. Place on a stick and create a delicious candy cane! The ideas are endless.
Tips and Tricks for Quelting
I wouldn't recommend using any other material other than 100% Wool Felt, or you will end up in a hot sticky mess when pressing shapes with your mini iron.
If you hare having trouble creating the coils, pop online to find Quilling tools or use some pins to help you get started.
If you find that your coils are unravelling, place some glue on inside the coil as you are turning, this will help keep it together.
I hope you've enjoyed this new craft idea. The Felt Scraps in your home are going to be put to a fabulous new usage.
If you are looking to purchase some of My Felt Lady Scraps, see below for what's available now.
My Felt Lady Scraps are mostly very long strips ranging from 1" to 3" wide. These are perfect for this project.
Check out the Scrap Packs online now to get your next Quelting project started.
Thanks for Reading and I hope you have a Feltabulous Crafty Day!
Candice xx
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