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Now Open for Business!

What a wonderful week. As you know last Friday I launched my New Online Store. Oh my, it was such a long time coming. I had all the products loaded about a week before the launch, talk about organized!

The only downside was that the Merino Wool Felt is not due for another week or so. I’m just anxiously waiting to get it so I can try out some of these gorgeous patterns. First on my list will be the little Sprouts by May Blossom Designs.

So what does a sewer do whilst she waits… finishes off projects that’s been sitting in a box next to her machine ;)

First up, I was in desperate need for a wrist pin cushion.

When I saw one on Facebook recently I just had to give it a go. It popped up on the page and just looked so simple. It's by Stitched by Crystal and you can click here for the tutorial. From start to finish it was completed in about 1.5hrs.

Next were these two fabulous Rag Quilts. All the fabric came from my favorite local craft store . I picked these fabrics and designed it myself using a range of  flannelette  and polar fleece. If  you're  interested in the guide please comment and let me know.

Now I must be honest with you… I was SO glad to finish these. It was the only project I did for about 3 weeks, and after cutting over 440 squares who wouldn’t blame me. BUT what a sense of achievement. When it was finished I was just so pleased. And my customer who ordered these was delighted with them so that made me even more pleased. They were for her two granddaughters and hopefully soon I’ll get some photos with them wrapped around their smiling faces.

Finally I made this Pop Up Tablet Case by The Inspired Wren. Click here to download a copy of the tutorial.

Since I want to try all sorts of sewing projects this one was something I’ve never done before. I popped it on my long list of sewing projects and left it until I found the perfect fabric. Well, it was almost the next day I was in my favorite store again, Lavender Patchwork, and saw the most adorable fabric.

It's from Makower Fabrics called Flo's Garden. Isn't it just so yummy!

I knew just what to make with it.

Since I was honest earlier with you, I’ll continue the same trend. This thing was a pain to make! I don’t know if it was just me or if it was the type of day I was having but I made SO MANY MISTAKES! I’ll list them now

Mistake #1 – Cut the incorrect length of fabric…. Twice!!!!

Mistake #2 – sewed the lining in step 3 the wrong way. And by that I mean when you open the flap the Apples on the fabric were upside down, so that annoyed me. Out came the quick unpick…

Mistake #3 – Cut my only piece of cardboard too small… Twice!!!

Mistake #4 – When I sewed the cardboard in between the lining and the shell fabric I accidently used the automatic cut function on my machine which meant I couldn't pull the threads through to finish it off nicely. Out came the quick unpick, again…

Mistake #5 – I did the same thing again in Mistake #4 when I folded in the seam allowance. At this stage determination went out the window.

BUT… like all sewers out there I never gave up. Here is the finished project.

I really do like it and the mistakes were just a learning curve. I learnt so many new things and if I do it again it will be so easy I’m sure. Even though I read these words in the tutorial I still managed to do quite a few things wrong, but I’ll write them again so hopefully when you make this you won't do what I did.

Mark Twice, Measure Thrice, then cut and sew carefully!

So that’s a wrap up of my week. A Wrist Pincushion, finished two Rag Quilts, the Pop Up Tablet Case and opened an online store, I think that’s a huge achievement, don’t you?

Until Next Time… Sew Glad we could Chat XX


Previous article Welcome Back & How To Purchase Merino Wool Felt By The Yard

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