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Bundle Up! SAVE up to 15% on Wool Felt Sheets
Bundle Up! SAVE up to 15% on Wool Felt Sheets
My Felt Lady Loyalty Program - MemberSheep Rewards

My Felt Lady Loyalty Program - MemberSheep Rewards

Hey lovely crafters!

I hope you're all doing fabulous today! I've got some exciting news to brighten up your creative journey – our MemberSheep Rewards are here to spoil you! I know many of you have those unused reward points just sitting there, feeling a bit lonely. Well, it’s time to give them some love and treat yourself to the incredible goodies at My Felt Lady!

Here are some fun facts about our rewards program:

  • No Expiry Date! That’s right, your points are here to stay, so you can use them whenever you please.
  • Best Rewards Ever! You get 1 point for every $1 spent. We’ve got better rewards than any other business out there!
  • Quick Wins! You only need 150 reward points to redeem your first offer! Compare that to the big food chains where you need 2000 points for just $10 off. Ours is so much better, right?

Now, keep in mind that our rewards can be used on all full-priced products. They can't be used on items that are already discounted, but let’s be honest – if you’re like me and always daydreaming about your next creative adventure, then these rewards are just perfect!

Check out this super helpful video on how to log into your account and see your rewards. It’s as easy as pie!

My Felt Lady MemberSheep Rewards from My Felt Lady on Vimeo.

So, don’t let those points gather dust. Dive into your next project with a little extra joy, courtesy of your MemberSheep Rewards. Happy crafting!

If you're a new customer login here, and if your exisiting customer, log in here and both of you follow the steps above to view your rewards and start saving!

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Ros - November 6, 2024

I have products in my cart and value is over $30. I saw somewhere that first order (if over $30) attracts $5 reward.
If so how do I claim this when I place the order?

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